2011年3月11日 星期五

♥ Foolish


i'm a foolish girl

today's things,i very pain,your behavior i dislike,very in secure

i do anything wrong???

i working hard changed.....

i just wanted let u know that i really for u and wrongdoings.....

can't u understand me?

3 years.....

we are 2gether 3 years....

3 years...u just said i did't know you....

why did u not tell me

behind the just speaking...u know how much i hurt?

my efforts to finally only with a sieve...

i really desperate

my nostalgia our past memories...

now we have become so....

tired of a relationship....

now for me,love is a lie

we also tired,u also need not in disguise your pain

everything is my fault,i'm sorry

love is a vain



